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Manuscript to be sent for publication in the FOSTER: Journal of English Language Teaching journal should be based on results of recent research, either of the quantitative approach or qualitative, involving children of the early-childhood school level to students of the university as research subjects in either formal, informal, or nonformal educational streams.
Manuscripts should be written in English. Language and format become a criterion for a script to be accepted. The author is advised to maintain accuracy, including, for example, the use of a proofreader’s services. The body of the manuscript is to be written either in English. The language and styles used in the body of the manuscript are to be considered as one aspect of manuscript evaluation. Authors are strongly suggested to carefully check the manuscript or even send the manuscript to a reliable language editor before the submission of the manuscript. Authors have the responsibility to avoid plagiarism at all costs. The editor of the FOSTER: Journal of English Language Teaching journal examines the resemblance of texts using computer software, allowing tolerance, not more than 20%. In general, an article is between 4,000 and 8,000 words in length, including the title, abstract, and references. The article is typed on Microsoft Word with a line space of 1, font type Cambria, font size 12, in one column of the .doc format, .docx, or .rtf (not of the pdf. format), or (use our templates). The article consists of four main sections; namely: introduction, method, findings and discussion, and conclusion. Lengthwise weighting for each section can be seen in Figure 1.
The abstract contains a brief description of the problem and research objectives, methods used, and the results of the research. It must reflect the content of the article and should be focusing primarily on the research results, and must be written in a single paragraph in English max 200 words. Keywords need to be included to describe the realm of the issues, and the terms underlying the conduct of research. Keywords can be either single words or combinations of words (phrases). The number of keywords is generally between 3 – 5 words. The keywords are required for computerization. Research and abstract title searches made easy with these keywords.
The introduction must contain what the authors hoped to achieve and state the problem being investigated. The authors are encouraged to write the background of their articles in four (4) parts. First, it should indicate the practical or theoretical problem, which is the basis of your research. It could be written in one or two paragraphs. Second, provide recent studies in the area of your focus problem. These studies are needed to establish a state-of-the-art statement of your field of research and to identify the limitations of recent studies. It could be written in two or three paragraphs. Third, identify the gap between the recent studies and the current empirical and theoretical aspects of your focused study. Typically, the introduction should summarize relevant research to provide context and explain what other authors' findings, if any, are being challenged or extended. It could be written in one or two paragraphs. Fourth, state your research question and research objectives based on the gap analysis presented in the previous paragraph. Furthermore, please indicate the novelty of your research. It could be written in one paragraph.
In general, this section describes how the study was conducted. The subject matters of this section are: (1) the study design; (2) the sample population or subject of the research; (3) data collection techniques and instrument development; (4) and data analysis techniques. Please use descriptive paragraphs. You can use these questions as a guideline to write the method: 1) Is the design suitable for answering the question posed? 2) Is there sufficient information present for you to replicate the research? 3) Does the article identify the procedures followed? 4) Are these ordered in a meaningful way? 5) If the methods are new, are they explained in detail? 6) Was the sampling appropriate? 7) Have the equipment and materials been adequately described? 8) Does it clear what type of data was recorded? 9) Have you been precise in describing measurements? It is important to note that you do not need to use too many formulas or tables unless it is necessary to be displayed. This section must be written out briefly, concisely, clearly, but adequately so that it can be replicated. This section contains an explanation of the research approach, subjects of the study, the conduct of the research procedure, the use of materials and instruments, data collection, and analysis techniques. These are not theories. In the case of statistical methods, formulas that are generally known should not be written down. Any specific criteria used by the researcher in collecting and analyzing the research data should be thoroughly described. This section should be written not more than 10% (for qualitative research) or 15% (for quantitative analysis) of the body.
Subheadings – Level 2
This section is the central part of the article. It is where the author/s should explain in words what he/she discovered in the research. It should be laid out and in a logical sequence. The results of the study presented in this section are the result of a clean process of data analysis, such as statistical calculations and testing processes or other processes for the achievement of its research. State the findings of the study concisely. If you want to display a table, use the following format.
The title of the tables should be on top, while the title of the image, picture, or chart should be placed beneath. For scripts written in English, thousands are marked using commas; e.g., 1200300 is written as 1,200,300. Decimal points are marked with a period followed by two number digits, e.g., 12.34. For figures lower than 1, the zero is not needed; e.g., .12. For mathematical symbols or notations, the alphabet is italicized, but Greek letters are written upright using the correct symbols. The equal sign is given a punch space before and after; e.g. (English format): r = .456; p = .008. For statistical values having degrees of freedom such as t, F, or Z, the figure of the degree of freedom is written in braces such as t(52) = 1.234; F(1, 34) = 4.567. The statistical calculation for hypothesis testing should be completed with effect sizes; for example, the t-test using cohen’s d, the F-test using partial eta squared, or other posthoc tests in line with the references under consideration. For qualitative research, data from interviews, observations, text interpretations, etc. are condensed or summarized into a brief substantial resume or summary to be reported. These significant findings can be presented in descriptive tables to facilitate ease of reading. Excerpts or extracts from interviews, observation results, texts, and others containing answers to research questions are shown in the discussion as authentic evidence. Interpretation of results should not be included in this section unless the research required a combination of both findings and analysis in one part.
Subheading Level 2
This section is also a significant part of the research articles and is also usually the longest part of an article. A discussion of the research presented in this section is the result—the process of data analysis, such as statistical calculations or other methods for the achievement of its study. Please present the discussion narratively.
Referencing in the body of the article uses braces: (...); an example with one author: (Ilham, 2018); two authors: (Ilham & Firman, 2017), and three to five authors: (Ilham, Firman, & Iksan, 2018) for the first mention and (Ilham et al., 2018) for the subsequent mentions. Names of authors can also be mentioned outside the braces, e.g., Ilham & Efendi (2017), following the writing style. For direct quotation or particular facts, the page number (numbers) is needed; e.g.: (Nurgiyantoro & Efendi, 2017: 144), (Nurgiyantoro & Efendi, 2017: 144-146). It is advised not to use too many direct quotations. Should one be used, it is written in the (“...”) format in the paragraph for the quote of fewer than 40 words. For a direct quote of more than 40 words, it is written in a separate block (outside the paragraph), half an inch indented from the left margin, with no quotation marks, and followed by (name of the author, year: page number). For a core statement taken from several references, all the sources should be acknowledged in alphabetical order using a semicolon (;); e.g. (Firman, 2012; Ilham, 2012; Iksan, Hisbullah, & Burhan, 2018). For translated sources, the author of the sourcebook, year of the translation, and title of the sourcebook are mentioned. In the case of referencing two sources with the same author and year, the lower-case letters are used after the year, e.g.: (Syihab, 2012a) and Syihab (2012b).
This part consists of two (2) sub-parts: the conclusion of the article and suggestions or recommendations from the research. Conclude your article critically and logically based on the research findings. Please be careful in generalizing the results. You should also state your research limitation in these parts. Generally, the conclusion should explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge forward. In suggestion, please describe your recommendation for further studies regarding your research implication.
State the contributing parties or institutions which help your research. It is important to acknowledge those who help you in funding, research facilities, or meaningful suggestions in improving your article. If your article has been presented in a seminar or conference, you can also mention them in this section.
The reference entry is arranged in alphabetical order. All the references must be listed in the reference list. It is advisable to use journal articles as reference sources rather than books or proceedings. The author is obliged to contain all the references validly according to the origins and DOI (digital object identifier), particularly for entries from journals. In the case of cities of publication, differences should be made in writing cities of the USA and cities outside the USA. For example, cities in the USA are listed together with the initials of the state, e.g., for Boston of Massachusetts: Boston, MA.
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